Monday, April 20, 2009

Week 2 Assignment

One of the websites I evaluated was Tech and Learning, found at The website features best practices, blogs, contests, "webinars," a tech forum, hot topics, a magazine, links to partner sites and resources, as well as tech tips. The best practices section has many articles on a wide range of technology education subjects. There are some that speak to classroom teachers, others that are geared toward technology facilitators, and many other subjects and audiences. The tech forum is divided up by region. There are online "webinars" and face-to-face training programs throughout the country. These serve to keep educators up to date on educational technology topics. The Hot Topics section of the site is divided into data management, security, elearning, copyright, funding, mobile/wireless, assessment, and curriculum sections. Each of these has several current articles on these subjects.

The site is very easy to navigate and loads quickly. It is user-friendly and visually appealing. Links are well-labeled and easy to understand. There are pictures and graphics with most links that make the content they are describing that much easier to understand, as well as making it more visually appealing. Sections of text are broken up by white space, boxes, and pictures. This keeps the page from being overwhelming visually. One of the only things that might be a down-side on this site for me is that it covers so much information. The sections focus some of the information, but it still covers a huge scope of information.

This site would have many uses and applications for technology education. It exposes educators to new technologies and supplies a forum where they can discuss new technology and ideas. The site gives training opportunities both online as well as information on training classes happening throughout the country. I would recommend this site to other educators and will be referencing it myself in the future.

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